Saturday, December 29, 2018

Italian Bedroom Furniture Design in Furniture - Old Style Meet New Modern Style

Bedroom Sets from Italy and Spain where Old Style meet new modern. Italy’s influence in the world of design cannot be overstated. Not only are there varying styles based on historical periods, but there are also regional styles. The ancient arches and domes, the Renaissance architecture, and Italian neoclassical styles have influenced how houses have been built and furnished all over the world. And you can find beautiful Italian-inspired furniture even if you’re shopping for discount furniture in New Jersey.
Italian design takes the best of what’s old and new, marrying beauty and function to give your home a smart, stylish look as well as practicality. If you’re furnishing your living room, you can start with variations on white that won’t overshadow the beauty of the furnishings. Using tone-on-tone color schemes adds interest and depth to a room without detracting from your furniture and accessories. It doesn’t matter if you can’t afford marble entryways or parquet wood floors: Italian design has always been more about class than ostentation.

Modern sofas and chairs influenced by Italian design often feature leather and chrome, two materials that are not only beautiful, but very durable. Whether you’re looking for city furniture or furniture for a house in the country, choose accessories carefully so that each piece has its own “space.” Even desk and table lamps should be thought of as artistic accessories. Remember that light can drastically affect the mood and the feel of a space. You might consider having one very special piece – a chair, work of art, or even beautiful lighting fixture – as a nod to Italy’s glorious design history.

Discount ESF Furniture make some beautiful leather chairs and sofas, any of which could be the centerpiece of an Italian-inspired living room, and there are numerous manufacturers that make tables, lighting accessories, and dining tables that beautifully meld old and new to give your home a classy Italian flair. Take your cues from the Old World and make your place into the comfortable, beautiful haven you’ll love coming home to.  For more information on ESF and Vig Furniture or other Brands visit Online 

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